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Jessica B. PA

"I was in grief over the loss of my grandmother. I was able to connect with Gran, which gave me the closure I needed. I'm still grieving, but I'm truly grateful for the messages she provided. That means the world to me."
White Room

We Grieve Together: You Are Not Alone


If your experiencing sadness, grief, doubt, anxiety, loss of faith or confidence these mantras and/or prayers will help you. 


Grieving? You're Not Alone.

You may feel like your heart has broken into a million pieces that cannot be mended, but in time those wounds will heal. Some scars may show, but you will be able to carry on.

If you're grieving the loss of a loved one, either through death or a breakup, you are not alone.


Did you know that there are over 6,300 human deaths every hour and 116 people die every minute on Earth? Approximately 50% of marriages will end in divorce in America.

I share these facts to show you that you are not alone. There are so many people that experience heartbreak daily, but it doesn't need to be our permanent sentence.


You will be able to carry on, and with time, it will improve. Your life will change forever. We are all guaranteed that when we are born, we will die at some point. It is the same as when you fall in love—there is a risk that you will get hurt. To truly love is to experience pain at times. 


That is why it's so critical for you to live your life to the fullest and make a point to spend as much time with the ones you love. Time is a gift with an expiration date so use it wisely. 


Prayers for Grief:

Dear Lord, comfort me in my sorrow and strengthen my faith, purpose, and understanding of my true destiny on this earth. guide me in strength during my time of grief. As I experience deep sorrow and my tears fall like rain, I ask for serenity and peace. Amen


Mantra for Grief

Dear Universe, I surrender myself to you and welcome the greatest good. I have faith during this difficult time in my life. I ask that I be able to see the good and allow a moment of joy daily. I am guided by my inner strength and show gratitude during my darkest hours. I am grateful that during my grief journey I will still see and experience miracles, and for that I am blessed.

Image by Mike Labrum


Prayers and Mantra for Comfort During Grief

The loss of a loved one is difficult and there is no time frame for grief and loss is unique to everyone.


At times it may feel like your overwhelmed and it's too much to handle or you may feel alone in your grief. Here is prayer for comfort during this time:


Prayers for Grief Comfort:

Jesus, I place all my trust and faith in you, knowing that you will care for me and will never abandon me, even during the worst times. 


Help me to know that my suffering and pain are part of the grief journey, and that goodness and kindness will follow me as time heals my broken heart. Jesus, heal my heart and grant me peace and comfort. Amen


2nd Prayer for Grief Comfort

Dear Jesus, My heart bears the weight of pain, but I know you are with me. Please bring your healing touch, easing the rawness of my grief and granting me moments of solace. In your light, may I find the strength to carry on, knowing that peace awaits. Amen.


Mantra for Grief Comfort


I have faith that my loved one is in a better place, although I miss their physical presence, I know that they are with me in Spirit and energy form. I look to the Universe to guide me through this difficult time and I ask my Spirigto help me navigate my grief. 




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